There were so many people out and in one area. It was extremely overwhelming, considering all the crime that happened over labor day weekend, we were a bit worried. We normally do not like large groups of people and avoid them like the plague but we wanted to go to a particular store. On our way to the store we encountered a lot of disheartening events. Young women were dressed in scantily clad outfits, young men were cat calling the girls, individuals were dressed as the opposite sex and all types of inappropriate behavior. It was like watching numerous identity crisis happening all around us. The girls paraded around imitating their favorite celebrities. You could tell that they have bought into the lies of the media about who they are, their worth and what they should look like. The guys approaching the girls were vulgar in their pursuit. They were unnecessarily aggressive, inappropriate and disrespectful. There were many young men dressed as women or acting extremely effeminate.
We were disturbed by what we witnessed. I recently completed The Vision by David Wilkerson and my sister is reading it now. Pastor David talks about the lewdness, lawlessness and flood of filth that will happen in the last days that He saw in the vision that God gave him. It grieves my spirit to see that happening right now with this generation. It also made me upset how the enemy has deceived the masses to believe what they are not. These young people are trying to be celebrities, relevant or important.
Little do they know that they are already stars that have a divine purpose and call on their precious lives. They don't need to pretend to be something that they are not. They are made in the image of an amazing Creator that loves and cares for them unconditionally. Please keep this generation in prayer. We were all here at one point of our lives. We need to pray that we reflect Christ to the world. If these young people can see Christ in us they will be drawn to him. God said that if He be lifted up He would draw all men unto Him. If Christ is lifted up in our lives everywhere we go He will draw men unto Himself. Please continue to be prayerful and allow the Holy Spirit to move you to impact this generation.