Our conversion happened like this……… I had to have been 4 or 5 years old when I had this really bad nightmare. I was in a classroom and everything around me was red. The desk, the chairs, the blackboard, the floor, the whole room was red. I was the only student in the room and my tutor, Sister Mary, was in front of the classroom. Now, Sister Mary was one of my favorite people, she was so nice and made learning fun but something wasn’t right.
I was nervous and a little scared. She didn’t look too happy, in fact, she looked very upset. She proceeded to give me this look of disgust and tell me I had been a very bad girl. I could not understand where all of this was coming from. What did I do that was so bad? Yeah, sometimes I was disrespectful and even mean to my sister but the way she said it made me very worried.
Then all of a sudden am standing up in front of a crowd of people. I look closer and I recognized my mom, Sister Mary, some friends and family members. They all had angry and cruel expressions on their faces. I was so terrified; I started to cry. Suddenly they said in unison “You are a very bad girl. A very bad girl.” Than they asked me “Do you know where bad girls go?” I replied, with a shaky answer, “To hell.” They all replied and said “To Hell.” That’s when the devil appeared.
Now being a child, for all I know the devil was red, ugly, scary and with big horns on the side of his head. It was horrifying. He came to me and told me I was going to hell. All of a sudden I started to fall into a pit. The crowd was looking down at me chanting, “You are going to hell. You are going to hell. You are going to hell.” I just started to scream and cry as I was falling.
Before I could hit the bottom of the pit, I woke up. It was the worst nightmare I ever had. My sister’s bed was next to mine and I decided to wake her up. Once she was up I asked her repeatedly “You don’t want to go to hell do you”?
She answered “No” several times. We decided to turn to the only person we knew had the answer, our mother. We got up, walked into her room and woke her up. We told her that we didn’t want to go to hell. She held us and calmed us down and prayed a prayer of salvation with us. On that night, we asked Jesus to come into our hearts and to save us.
Later, as we got older and learned more about salvation, we repented for our sins and handed our lives over to Christ with full understanding of what that meant. We recognized that the Lord wanted us and that He loved us so much that He sent his only begotten Son to pay the debt for our sins; so that we could have everlasting life and dwell with our Father, forever.
I was nervous and a little scared. She didn’t look too happy, in fact, she looked very upset. She proceeded to give me this look of disgust and tell me I had been a very bad girl. I could not understand where all of this was coming from. What did I do that was so bad? Yeah, sometimes I was disrespectful and even mean to my sister but the way she said it made me very worried.
Then all of a sudden am standing up in front of a crowd of people. I look closer and I recognized my mom, Sister Mary, some friends and family members. They all had angry and cruel expressions on their faces. I was so terrified; I started to cry. Suddenly they said in unison “You are a very bad girl. A very bad girl.” Than they asked me “Do you know where bad girls go?” I replied, with a shaky answer, “To hell.” They all replied and said “To Hell.” That’s when the devil appeared.
Now being a child, for all I know the devil was red, ugly, scary and with big horns on the side of his head. It was horrifying. He came to me and told me I was going to hell. All of a sudden I started to fall into a pit. The crowd was looking down at me chanting, “You are going to hell. You are going to hell. You are going to hell.” I just started to scream and cry as I was falling.
Before I could hit the bottom of the pit, I woke up. It was the worst nightmare I ever had. My sister’s bed was next to mine and I decided to wake her up. Once she was up I asked her repeatedly “You don’t want to go to hell do you”?

Later, as we got older and learned more about salvation, we repented for our sins and handed our lives over to Christ with full understanding of what that meant. We recognized that the Lord wanted us and that He loved us so much that He sent his only begotten Son to pay the debt for our sins; so that we could have everlasting life and dwell with our Father, forever.
Please feel free to share your conversion story in the comments section.
1 comment:
I'm so glad that my sisters have been saved!! Jovita, you are always inspiring and motivating me and I love you dearly! <3 your sister in Christ, Nicole!!
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