We have been talking about having faith and trusting in the Lord in our past posts. Coming from a personal experience, we have been trying to have that spiritual faith. Moving to a new city and not having a job takes a leap of faith. But instead, I believe we were relaying on our excellent resume, believing that God had our back and everything was going to be a piece of cake. Not! Even though we have a wonderful internship (that we are gaining a lot of experience with), it is unpaid. We have not been earning any income in the past 3 months. It has been rough. Trying to figure out how to pay for certain bills, rent, travel and food has been stressful. We have never been in this position before.
But God is Good! Just when I thought all was lost, he tells me in that small still voice "Trust and give it all to me. I will carry your burdens because my load is light. Believe and have faith in the promises I have for you." The minute I obeyed Him, the burden had been lifted off of me.
You see, I was trying to figure out how God was going to work it out. Was he going to give me a job or a paying gig? Was the money going to be divine and on my door step. Does God want me to play the loto and win the money? Am I going to find the money on the sidewalk? Does He want me to sell some of my items? All of these questions were going through my mind and it was driving me crazy. I started to go into a mini depression. Why wasn't God moving in the way He normally moves in my life? Why weren't the blessings coming? Like, doesn't he know my wants and needs? Yes, He has provided for the last past months and allowed us to survive without a means of income but when will it end? When will I be comfortable again and have a sense of security?
Than I had to take a step back and look within myself. I realize with the aid and revelation of the Holy Spirit, that I was being arrogant. How dare I question the Lord about how he was going to provide for me. Why was I second guessing God's faithfulness and His mercy? Why didn't I just trust in the fact that he is working behind the scenes, putting people in places and opening doors for my benefit? Yes, I said I was trusting in him but I was actually leaning unto my own understanding. In Proverbs 3:5 it says "Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding."
A leader in our church broke it down like this. If we are trusting in God than we are wrapping ourselves around Him. Trusting that he will never leave us or forsake us. With that said, if we are wrapping our arms around Him, than we can not lean. We will not be able to bend or fall unto our own understanding. God gives us reassurance all the time. We just have to trust in His word. God is not man that he should lie. He keeps his promises.
So one night, my spirit was restless and I was worrying about certain situations. The Holy Spirit told me to wrap my hands around my pillow. I started to wrap my hands and I told the Lord, "I trust you. I am not in control. I give it all up to you. I will not question you with the Who, What, When, Where, How and Why. I want you to work it out for me."
Jesus said in Matthew 6:26, "Look at the birds in the sky. They don't plant or harvest or gather food into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. You are more valuable than they are, aren't you?" This is what I had to understand. My Father will supply all my needs. Not just some, but all. He is so wonderful that sometimes He blesses you before you even ask!
This weekend I made the effect to forget all my problems and I told myself that everything is already taken care of. The Lord blessed me with free travel this weekend to visit my mom through my close friend. He blessed us with money from a family member and friend that we were not expecting. I mean he blessed us with blessings that he had given others. What an awesome God we serve! He has revealed so much of his love and kindness in these 3 days that have been so amazing.
So my follow stormriders, when times get hard and you do not know what to do; trust in the Lord. Give all to him. He has it for you and he is just waiting for you to receive it. The door is open and all you need to do is step in.
Let's pray. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for your precious word. You are so good and your mercy endures forever. We shall never want because you supply all our needs. We just praise your Holy name and we honor you. We thank you for your promises and the covenant you have with us. Please continue to give us understanding and speak to our hearts. We know that you are working behind the scenes and that you have our best interest at heart. No more will we worry or be afraid. We will trust in you and know that the work is finished. All praise be to the Most High God! In the name of Jesus, Amen.
But God is Good! Just when I thought all was lost, he tells me in that small still voice "Trust and give it all to me. I will carry your burdens because my load is light. Believe and have faith in the promises I have for you." The minute I obeyed Him, the burden had been lifted off of me.
You see, I was trying to figure out how God was going to work it out. Was he going to give me a job or a paying gig? Was the money going to be divine and on my door step. Does God want me to play the loto and win the money? Am I going to find the money on the sidewalk? Does He want me to sell some of my items? All of these questions were going through my mind and it was driving me crazy. I started to go into a mini depression. Why wasn't God moving in the way He normally moves in my life? Why weren't the blessings coming? Like, doesn't he know my wants and needs? Yes, He has provided for the last past months and allowed us to survive without a means of income but when will it end? When will I be comfortable again and have a sense of security?
Than I had to take a step back and look within myself. I realize with the aid and revelation of the Holy Spirit, that I was being arrogant. How dare I question the Lord about how he was going to provide for me. Why was I second guessing God's faithfulness and His mercy? Why didn't I just trust in the fact that he is working behind the scenes, putting people in places and opening doors for my benefit? Yes, I said I was trusting in him but I was actually leaning unto my own understanding. In Proverbs 3:5 it says "Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding."
A leader in our church broke it down like this. If we are trusting in God than we are wrapping ourselves around Him. Trusting that he will never leave us or forsake us. With that said, if we are wrapping our arms around Him, than we can not lean. We will not be able to bend or fall unto our own understanding. God gives us reassurance all the time. We just have to trust in His word. God is not man that he should lie. He keeps his promises.
So one night, my spirit was restless and I was worrying about certain situations. The Holy Spirit told me to wrap my hands around my pillow. I started to wrap my hands and I told the Lord, "I trust you. I am not in control. I give it all up to you. I will not question you with the Who, What, When, Where, How and Why. I want you to work it out for me."
Jesus said in Matthew 6:26, "Look at the birds in the sky. They don't plant or harvest or gather food into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. You are more valuable than they are, aren't you?" This is what I had to understand. My Father will supply all my needs. Not just some, but all. He is so wonderful that sometimes He blesses you before you even ask!
This weekend I made the effect to forget all my problems and I told myself that everything is already taken care of. The Lord blessed me with free travel this weekend to visit my mom through my close friend. He blessed us with money from a family member and friend that we were not expecting. I mean he blessed us with blessings that he had given others. What an awesome God we serve! He has revealed so much of his love and kindness in these 3 days that have been so amazing.
So my follow stormriders, when times get hard and you do not know what to do; trust in the Lord. Give all to him. He has it for you and he is just waiting for you to receive it. The door is open and all you need to do is step in.
Let's pray. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for your precious word. You are so good and your mercy endures forever. We shall never want because you supply all our needs. We just praise your Holy name and we honor you. We thank you for your promises and the covenant you have with us. Please continue to give us understanding and speak to our hearts. We know that you are working behind the scenes and that you have our best interest at heart. No more will we worry or be afraid. We will trust in you and know that the work is finished. All praise be to the Most High God! In the name of Jesus, Amen.
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