I was talking to couple of my friends about the Body of Christ and how we are walking among the living dead. We were discussing how many Christians are concerned about their own comfort and life instead of reaching the lost. Many of us think that all we have to do is go to Church, pay our tithes and live our lives according to the Word of God. We should be doing these things but we have forgotten the one job Christ commission us to do before he ascended into heaven. "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV
Now you might say, "but I am not called to be a preacher, missionary, prophet or teacher. I don't believe that is my calling. Besides, that's what pastors are for, right"? Wrong! Your pastor is your leader and he prepares you and trains you for the job/call. That is one of the reasons we go to church. The sermons are to encourage us to do the Lord's will. If you are a born again, bible reading, Holy Ghost filled Christian than you know that your body is an empty vessel for the Lord. The Holy Spirit possesses your body to bring glory to God and to do His will.
Well, you might say, "I am shy and what will people think of me? What will my peers say or do if I tell them about Jesus? They might laugh at me or stop being my friend." I have had those same feelings and still do. Then I remember what Jesus said at the end of verse 20, "and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Christ knows the struggle and he understands persecution and ridicule. He tells us he will be there all the way. He will protect us and comfort us while we go through the storm for His name sake. I have been praying for the Lord to make me a mighty soldier in His army and to recruit others to join. We as Christians have to look at things with our spiritual eyes. There is a war going on between the Devil and us. Satan cannot battle against God because the Word tells us he has already been defeated, Genesis 3:14 and Revelations 12:7-9 (click to view verses). So his mission is to steal, kill and destroy us. Now since we know that we are on the winning side because of the Blood of the Lamb, wouldn't we want for others to be free and safe in our Lord's embrace?
We should understand that there are people walking around us dieing. Yes, they are breathing and look healthy but they are dieing a spiritual death that is far worse than the physical. The enemy is killing people slowly and softly without them knowing. We have to allow the Holy Spirit to work within us to breathe life back into others. We cannot continue to stand back and watch people die in front of our very eyes and do nothing about it.
Please ask the Lord to give you strength to do what he has called for us to do, which is to preach the gospel. We have all been given many gifts and talents to use in the Body. You can spread the gospel at your job, school, neighborhood, community or organization by just living your life for Christ, praying for unsaved people around you, giving your testimony, helping those in need, lending your ear to someone who needs to let out their feelings or problems, donating to ministries, volunteering and obeying the Lord when he tells you to speak a Word to those who are in need. I hope that we all pray together and motivate one another to bring the living dead to the Light. It's dark out there and our light has to continue to shine bright to lead people to the Way, the Truth and the Life!
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