In the month of October, I called my cell phone company to set up a date for me to pay my bill. To my surprise the bill was over $1,100! I could not believe it. The customer service rep explained that there were roaming charges on another line that I had. I explained to the representative that the line had not been in use for 2 years. Apparently there were international roaming charges that occurred out of the country.
To make a long story short, my father and I have a family plan. The other line was for his use when he is in the states. Some how the phone was stolen and international calls were made on it for a month. I was so upset and scared about the situation.
I reported the phone stolen and spoke to a supervisor and a manager about the matter. It seemed like they did not want to adjust the charges. So, I started to pray and the manager took off $500 from the bill. I was thankful and grateful that the Lord stepped in and took care of the situation.
I received the bill for the following month and it was over $1600 because of the roaming charges from the previous month. I got so depressed and I started to wonder how I was going to deal with this situation. I don’t have a steady income and there was no way I could pay this bill. The manager that adjusted the bill the last time told me that because I reported the phone stolen very late that I would be held responsible. My sister could see I was stressed and told me that the letter was a lie and that I should laugh at it. She said God is going to show me how He will be glorified in this situation.
That night I prayed and asked the Lord for strength. I told Him that I trusted in Him and that He will deliver me from this problem. The next morning, I prayed again and read
Isaiah 43:1-7. That scripture assured me that I belong to God and he will keep me through hard times. (I will go more in depth about Isaiah 43:1-7 in another post). Feeling confident and assured, I called my phone company. I spoke to a representative and explained the situation to her. Without asking me any questions, she told me that she would make a case for me about the charges. I could not believe it! It was easy and without any hassles. The rep told me that I most likely would not have to pay for any of the charges! I told her thank you and that is was a blessing. I went on to ask her if she needed prayer for anything. She told me just to lift her name up in prayer.
Three days went by and I received a text that there was an adjustment to my bill. I knew it was about the roaming charges. When I got back home from out of town, I checked my bill on line and all of the charges were gone. Hallelujah! All praise be to God! I could not believe it. God is so good and he gets all the glory! What I learned about all the situations that my sister and I have been through, while living in the city is that God always gets the glory. Nothing is to hard for God and He shows us this by delivering us from trails and tribulations. Something as small as a phone bill getting adjusted and God is glorified. He does not have to make fire come from the sky or part a red sea to reveal His glory to us. He does it everyday in our lives we just have to recognize.