Every year, about this time, people are getting all worked up because they are looking/hoping for the perfect gift. We'll years ago, God gave us the perfect gift. A gift that brought eternal and abundant life. He gave us his only Son, wrapped in majesty and clocked in light. He came as Deity clothed in humanity. Jesus was, is and will forever be the perfect gift. He is truly the reason for the season. So, if you don't get the gift you want, or your tree looks awful or your meal is over cooked; just remember that none of that matters when you consider that with Christ all things are perfect and made new. Let us remember to thank God for the amazing gift that He gives us everyday!
My sister and I really like the movie Merry Christmas Charlie Brown and thought to share this clip with you all. Linus has it right, there is so much more to Christmas than a tree and gifts. Please read Luke 1 - 2 and always remember why we celebrate this special time of year!
My sister and I really like the movie Merry Christmas Charlie Brown and thought to share this clip with you all. Linus has it right, there is so much more to Christmas than a tree and gifts. Please read Luke 1 - 2 and always remember why we celebrate this special time of year!
Merry Christmas to you all!
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