As we focus on God’s mercy and praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit we should realize exactly what we are praying for. The Holy Spirit is many things to us; a Helper, Comforter, Teacher, Guide and so much more. Throughout this month, I hope to explore the many roles the Holy Spirit plays in our lives. For this particular blog, I want to explore the Holy Spirit’s role as a “Teacher of things to come”.
I am sure that there is no need to remind you that we are living in troubled times. Our God is so merciful that He will not lead us into these troubled times without knowledge. Hosea 4:6 says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”, and our Father in heaven does not want us to be destroyed by the impending fear and anti-Christ spirit. That is why Jesus told His church that He would send us a Helper, He will give us the knowledge to get us through the times to come.
The Holy Spirit will reveal to God’s people everything that is in His heart to share with us. I am not sure if God will reveal everything, but I am sure that He will reveal some things. The Holy Spirit moves and communicates to us in various ways.
1. Visions/Dreams: Often times the Holy Spirit will give us visions of what is to come. The Bible says in Acts 2:17, "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams". This is a promise from God; I surely believe that this is one major way that the Lord will reveal many things to His people in these last days. This is going to happen. it is inevitable, so we must prepare ourselves to receive this gift from the Holy Spirit. We should not fear, but rejoice for the Lord will pour out His Spirit as He has promised and we should be humbled and honored that He has chosen to give us a glimpse of His plan and will. Remember, we were all born for such a time as this.
2. A Word: The Bible is filled with prophecies and mentions of the end times. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through the living Bible. The Holy Spirit will bring to your remembrance a scripture that has to do with the coming times. He will also speak to your heart the things to come. It is important to read and meditate on God’s Word. Take the time to read and spend time with the Lord and the Holy Spirit will reveal many things to you. Once it is revealed, you should not stop there, you should pray that the Holy Spirit will give you a deeper understanding, and make sure to share what has been revealed to you to the Body of Christ.
3. The Church: I find comfort in the unity of the church. I am strengthened and reassured when I find that multiple pastors around the world are sharing the same message. When the Holy Spirit imparts knowledge on the leaders of our churches and they begin to share the same knowledge and heart of God, it reinforces what God is communicating to His people. Therefore, it is important to spend time with members of the body of Christ. If you are in a church that seems dry, I implore you to seek for a church that is saturated in the Spirit of the All Mighty God! Do not sleep! Watch! Lest ye fall into temptation! Jesus said this many times to His disciples and I think it is more than worth repeating.
As we pray for the out pour of the Holy Spirit, let us remember that He will communicate to us in various ways. Let us be vigilant and watch and make sure that our hearts, eyes and ears are receptive to the Will of God and the knowledge He will impart to us. And in all things, remember that we are VICTORIOUS!!!! So do not fear, but rejoice that the Lord is going to fulfill His promises to us and that we are worthy to receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit!
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