Friday, May 8, 2009

Impacting the Culture for the Kingdom of God

I ran across this article from the Crosswalk website called Cultural Engagement: Every Christian's Obligation by Paul Dean. It is a very interesting article on how we as Christians should be influential in today's culture. We are all called to further the Kingdom of God. And in this article Paul Dean explains how we can be in the world but not of the world.
I know for me and my sister working in the fashion and entertainment industry, there is a consent battle of compromising our beliefs or standing for holiness. I know many of you struggle with the same thing working in the medical field, music and film industry, the political area or Wall street. I know one thing we can agree on, is that it is not about us but that it is all about Jesus.
So at the end of the day people are looking for you to take a stand. They want to know your beliefs and morals. Because everyone, no matter what their religion or beliefs are, is searching for the truth. And as children of the Most High God we should be making an impact on our culture and not having the culture impact us.
Please take the time to read this article. It will give you a better understanding on how we are to influence and evangelize in today's world. Click here for the article.

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