We give all honor and praise to our Mighty God, who is called by many names(JEHOVAH, YAHWEH, I AM, ELOHIM, JEHOVAH-JIREH, JEHOVAH-ROPHE, JEHOVAH-NISSI, JEHOVAH-M'KADDESH, YESHUA, IMMANUEL, LORD, MASTER, ALMIGHTY.......). He is our rock, our shield, our strong tower, our rest, our healer, our provider, our protector and constant help. We lift up our hands to you and we say thank you for all your grace and mercy this year. You have kept us and never forsaken us in 2009. You were there holding our hand every step of the way. Jesus you are our brother and best friend. You took all our concerns and prayers to the Father and interceded on our behalf. You answered our prayers and you delivered us in our time of trouble.
There is no one like you. You are the Alpha and Omega, King of Kings and Lord of Lords! The whole earth bows down before you. You are our light and source of power. We could not do it without you. Thank you, thank you Jesus! We have made it another year. Thank you for allowing us to grow. Thank you for purging all the negative stuff inside of us. Thank you for letting us know you more. Thank you for the many blessings, tests, trails and tribulations in our lives; because it only brought you and you alone glory through our testimonies.
What a mighty God we serve. A God that continues to love us pass our transgressions. Thank you Lord for all you have done for us. And we pray that in this New Year you will continue to do a mighty work in us. We pray that many souls and lives will be saved in your holy and precious name. To God be the Glory. In Jesus' name. AMEN.
Go and be blessed.
1 comment:
Actually Father Yahweh has only one name. Note that when Scripture gives reference to His Name that the word 'name' is always in the singular and not in the plural. All other names that you have listed are merely titles of attribute. I noted that you also listed the name 'Yeshua' as our Heavenly Father and Creator's Name. This is the name that is used for the Messiah the son of the living Yahweh by many and simply means 'he is redeemer'. It is not the name of the Father. Yahweh is the Name of our Heavenly Father and Creator and Yahshua is the name of His son which means 'Yahweh IS Redeemer'. "Jehovah" is an erroneous attempted transliteration of His Name and is actually a hybrid name. This attempted transliteration came about because of a misunderstanding by later translators including the vowel points from the title Adonai which the Masorite (Jewish) scribes had added to His Name to signal to the reader not to pronounce His Name. They erroneously forbade their followers to pronounce His Name which was in direct disobedience to Father Yahweh's teaching (torah, law, commandment, instruction) The Messiah bore the same name as the prophet Yahshua Ben (Son of) Nun which is also transliterated into our English language as 'Joshua'. This is the name that Father Yahweh gave to His son and in meaning signifies Father Yahweh as our Supreme Redeemer. The name 'Yeshua' does not specifically signify Father Yahweh as our Supreme Redeemer. Yahshua said that he had come in the Name Yahweh in that his and our Father Yahweh's Name was within his name and that he had come in His authority (power). Yahshua also said that ALL power (authority) was given unto him by his and our Father Yahweh and this included the authority (power) to redeem men from death and to forgive sin.
The Name Yahweh
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