In continuing with my previous post, the scripture brings us to two more attributes of love:
1 Corinthians 13:4
Love does not envy; love does not parade itself (boast)
Envy: a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.
The word in this definition that stands out to me the most is discontented. When we are discontent with what God has given us or entrusted to us, we begin to look at others that have what we want and deduce that the reason they have it is because clearly God loves them and not us. This is incredibly false! We need to stop comparing ourselves, talents, possessions, status etc to what others have. If we would simply accept the fact that God loves us, then we would look at the things that we have and glorify in the fact that it was given to us. We bring such pain and hurt into our lives with envy. Once envy comes in, it twists are vision to no longer see that the root problem is that we are discontent. Instead it masks itself as a lie against the nature of God, that says, He does not love me. He won't give me the desires of my heart. He won't answer my prayers. Once that root comes into our lives we become offended by our Lord. Envy kills the soul, it robs you of life. It makes you focus on everything that is wrong rather on what is right. It causes you to actually hate when good things happen to and for others. When it gets to that point you are void of any true love of God. God is good! If you don't like when good things happen, then you are in direct opposition to God and His work. If you are content with what you have been given you will know that God loves you. Instead of looking at what you have been given negatively look at the positives, there is no one God saw more fit to give what was given to you but you. You are unique in inheriting whatever it is that He gave you. Try to see what you have been given through Gods eyes and if you can't see it ask Him for the vision to see. Love is content, it does not want what others have. Love is full and complete, it wants for nothing. Psalms 23:1 says, "The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want". David can claim this because he has all he needs. He isn't looking for more, God has given him his needs and he wants for nothing. Now please don't misunderstand me, complacency and contentment are two different things. But to being content means to rest in the knowledge that you do indeed have all the tools you need. When God shows you how to use these tools you can enter into the season of your life.
Boast: talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.
Love does not parade itself. Love is humble, it makes no trumpet sounds or overexposes itself. One characteristic of humble people is a sense of self-worth that can't be defined by others nor does it depend on the applause of others. Self-assured people know who they are. They understand their limitations and that in which they excel. There is no longing to be approved or lifted up. Love is the same way, Love comes quietly. It is not flashy. Love has an identity. Many people who seek attention or parade themselves have no identity. They do not fully know who they are and therefore need the approval of others in order to feel complete. Real love does not need to parade itself, it is known by its characteristics. When you look at love, you know it, you feel it, there is a distinct witness that it is indeed love. Sometimes, it is in the most quiet of ways God shows that He loves you. There is no production or fanfare. When love is boastful it is less intimate and God desires an intimate relationship with all of us. When Jesus healed various people in the Bible, more often than not, He told them not to say anything or share what He did for them in a public manor. This is love. In Matthew 6:3 Jesus says "But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth". Love is not about patting itself on the back, it is so selfless as to not even give credit to itself even after demonstrating one of its attributes. When we boast, we are saying that the approval of God is not enough. That we somehow need for man to lift us up. If you truly know that God loves you, then you understand that He approves of you. He doesn't need to put you on a pedestal, send a dove and proclaim that you are a good child. Love simply does what is necessary even without recognition. Think about Jesus. He did the most amazing, game changing, life altering work on this earth, the very personification of love and everyday you don't hear trumpets from heaven and Jesus giving a speech for all that He has done. No, true love will sit quietly and unrecognized until our eyes can accurately identify it.
I beseech you, if you are feeling incomplete and envious, please search the scriptures for the truth of God's love. These two issues can lead us down paths that end in destruction. Remember, scripture says, "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall" (Proverbs 16:18) and "A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones." (Proverbs 14:30). Know that you are loved.
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