Friday, July 25, 2008

Avoid relationships that will pull you away from God

Yesterday I received a phone call from my ex-boyfriend. To give you a little back-story, we haven’t talked in 6 months. We had a very bad argument and I decided to cut him off. We had been dating on and off for 7 years. I went through a lot in that relationship. I was 19 when we started dating. I was also going into my second year of college and was very optimistic about school, my career and whatever the future had in store. He was my childhood crush and I never thought we would be in a relationship together. Well be careful what you wish for because trust me, someone is always listening. I guess what I mean is that the devil will find a way to postpone, what the Lord’s purpose is for your life or try to defile you and pull you out of our Creator's arms. I am not saying that my ex was the devil. The enemy can use people in our lives to distract us from what’s important, our relationship with Christ.
When I was in my relationship, I did things that I never thought I would do. I totally gave myself to a person that was not worthy to be in my company. We had different up bringings and our faith was not on the same level. I will not go into the details of my relationship but let's just say it did not coincide with the Word of God.
I started to worship my ex and our relationship was the only important thing in the world. Boy was I in for a shock. I was so consumed with my relationship that I forgot what was important. As our relationship started to fall apart, I would ask God why is he treating me this way? Why doesn't he love me like I love him? I did everything for him and he still used me and abused me. Finally the Holy Spirit revealed to me, the same way my boyfriend was treating me was the same way I was treating my Heavenly Father.
It was such a revelation that I started to cry and repent for what I had done. I totally neglected my God. When this was revealed to me, I started to think about a sermon from my pastor. It was about how the Lord revealed himself through his prophets. One of them was Hosea. So in order for me to prepare for this blog, I decided to read a couple of chapters in Hosea. Just to give you a quick synopsis of the passage, the Lord told Hosea to marry a woman from a heathen nation that departed away from Him, Hosea 2:2-3. God told Hosea that his wife will stray away from him and go after other gods and become a harlot, Ch 2:2-7. Even though she turned her back on her husband and family, Hosea still loved her. Does that sound familiar? When Hosea’s wife was sold into slavery, The Lord told Hosea to go and purchase her, Ch.3. Hosea told his wife that she will stay with him and no longer be a harlot and she shall no longer belong to another man.
Hosea's life represents, how much the Lord wants us to Himself and how we allow distractions or own interest to separate ourselves from Him. Even though Hosea’s wife went whoring after other men, gods, money, and material things and self-worshiping, Hosea still loved her. She totally violated their marriage and found herself alone and sold into slavery. Little did she know her redeemer was coming to deliver her. You see Gomer, Hosea’s wife, did not need to go through all those things. If she just humbled herself, turned her back on ungodliness and trusted in her husband she would have been just fine.
Well that’s how I felt. God never left me and even though I gave myself to someone that He did not have for me, he still loved me. I praise the Lord everyday for His mercy and grace. Friendships, boyfriend and girlfriend relationships that take up too much of your time are not healthy. When ever you feel like you are being pulled into something that goes against the word of God, stop and pray for strength. My advice is to even run because we are made of flesh and flesh is weak but the Spirit is willing. If you are single, focus your time on building your relationship with Christ and doing His will. Do not let anything postpone your destiny.

Ok so back to my phone conversation with the ex. I was still angry about what happened but I had to forgive him and move on from the situation. We made amends and he apologized. I know not to get to close because their are still feelings there. I don't want to go back from where I came. I like where I am now, which is giving myself to Christ. Denying myself and giving everything to God. He is my Master and Creator. And who knows you or wants the best for you but your Father.
Let us pray. Our Father in Heaven give us understanding of what You want from us. Please do not allow the enemy to stray us away from You. We need You and we love You. We desire You and only You. We worship You and praise You alone. Please let the Holy Spirit guide us and give us wisdom, so that we may live a holy and righteous lifestyle. We want to be able to dwell with You all our days and be in the Heavenly Realm. Thank You so much for loving, saving and redeeming us. We give the entire honor and glory in Jesus’ name Amen.
God Bless and remember to keep Him first!

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