So how does the enemy try to postpone us reaching our goals and our full potential in Christ? There are several ways and they can come in various forms. Here are just a few;
Unhealthy Relationships: These can be romantic or even just friendships. Do you
have a friend that is constantly putting you down or holding you back? Is your significant other demanding or abusive. It is no coincidence that certain people exit and enter out lives. Ask the Lord for the gift of discernment and ask God why that person has come into your life. Make sure to evaluate all your relationships and make sure that they are healthy and contribute to your growth both spiritually and mentally.

Complacency: This one is rather deceiving! Sometimes we find ourselves in nice comfortable lives. We do the same thing everyday and it feels good right? I mean the bills are paid, there’s food on the table, we’re around our friends…everything is swell! Or so you think. Often when we find ourselves in complacent situations, we begin living mediocre lives. God says that we are far from mediocre! Don’t stop reaching for more! We are so fooled by images of average American life. Well you are not average!!! Sit down and think about all the things you wanted for your life, all your plans and start working towards them! You will find that life is more fulfilling when you aren’t wondering “what if”.
The Media: There are so many distractions around us that we don’t even consider. The media
plays a huge part. I have a cousin that says she doesn’t watch much tv because it ruins her creativity. So often the media dumbs down the viewer. How many times have you made productive plans and then you find yourself sitting in front of the TV, computer (Internet), video games etc. The enemy wants you to sit down and be unproductive! Get up and do something! You may find that you discovery talents that you never knew you had. Or, you will find that you are spending more time with God! Remember spending time with God is a sure way to ruin the enemy’s plans.

Sleep: Oh yeah! This is going to upset some people. I know it upset me the first time
I found out. Sleeping is a good thing, a great thing, but too much sleep is not good for anyone. My brother says that “ Sleep is the cousin of death”. I love this statement! God does speak to us during dreams and gives us visions while we sleep. Too much sleep however, makes one unproductive and too little sleep makes one angry, cranky and anxious. Plan your days so that you give yourself enough time to get things accomplished and sufficient sleep.
Remember that you have been given the power to choose! Always consult God and remember that your destiny can never be stopped by the enemy only postponed! By spending more time with God you can avoid distractions and begin to uncover the ways to achieve you goals and potential in Christ!

Remember that you have been given the power to choose! Always consult God and remember that your destiny can never be stopped by the enemy only postponed! By spending more time with God you can avoid distractions and begin to uncover the ways to achieve you goals and potential in Christ!
Below are some other tools the enemy uses. Please feel free to add to the list by leaving a comment.
Low Self-Esteem
Generational Curses (will be discussed in another blog)
Death (family or friends)
Family Situations
Popular & Traditional Culture
Poverty/Wealth (deeper than just finances, will be discussed in another blog)
Low Self-Esteem
Generational Curses (will be discussed in another blog)
Death (family or friends)
Family Situations
Popular & Traditional Culture
Poverty/Wealth (deeper than just finances, will be discussed in another blog)
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