On my way to my internship last week, I had an amazing spiritual experience. I was listening to "Breathe Into Me" by Fred Hammond on my sister's mp3 player. I've always like this song but that day it hit me so hard that I wanted to weep. It was like my spirit wanted to leap out of my body and start praising the Lord. It is such a powerful song and one can really relate. Whenever things get hard or when the enemy tries to put doubt, fear, or a spirit of heaviness to prevent you from being in that Heavenly Realm; just call upon the Lord. Ask him to make you strong and to lean on Him. "The flesh is weak but the Spirit is willing." That experience just set the tone for an amazing day and the Lord blessed me with many things that I needed without even asking. I think, well I know, that everyone should be filled with the Holy Spirit and to praise, worship and pray in the Spirit. It is so very important in your walk with Christ. Here are the lyrics to the song. I hope it brings you peace and motivates you to keep up the good fight.
Breathe Into Me By Fred Hammond
When the battle makes me weary
It seems that I lost ground
It’s so hard to hear your voice Lord
With distractions all around
I try to lift my hands to give you praise
But then a spirit of heaviness
Tries to shield your face
Chorus:Breathe into me, oh Lord
The breath of Life
So that my spirit would be whole
And my soul may rise
Breathe into me, oh Lord
Day by day
So that my heart is pure before you
Always, always
Onto thee, oh Lord, do I lift up my soul
It’s only by your hand
That I can be made whole
So Lord, breathe on me
And revive my spirit within
And I’ll never be the same-
Chorus -
Condemnation tries to hold me like a prisoner in chains
And the weight of my burdens, is calling out my name
That’s when I lift up my voice to worship you because
I know, You promised you would wash me white as snow
Onto thee, oh Lord, do I lift up my soul
It’s only by your hand
That I can be made whole
So Lord, let your breath revive me again
And I’ll never be the same
x3- Chorus -
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