We watched last night as a nation filled with hopes and dreams of a brighter future! A future that now includes a new president, Barack Obama. In his victory speech last night, President Obama stressed the point that he will need all of our help. As Christians, we understand that we have no personal power. We are granted power by our Father in Heaven and he has given us a mighty power called prayer. Let us pray for our leader. We will not be privy to his executive conversations with other heads of states and nations nor will we be privy to his decision making. It is therefore our jobs to now help him by offering sincere prayers to our Lord. We know that life and death rest in the tongue. So let us speak life over the Obama family. We should pray for him to hear the voice of God and more importantly that God's will be done. Let us also pray that he selects the best and the brightest cabinet members, chief of staff, advisers etc. Let us not make the same mistakes we made with our previous president. I think we spent too much time criticizing, mocking and bad mouthing him, when we should have been praying for him. Now, more than ever, we need to pray for the advancement of this nation and that God's will be done. President Elect, Barack Obama, is still a man. He will make mistakes, but let us pray that he recovers quickly, learns from his mistakes and seeks the Lord's guidance. Please do not put all your faith in this man; rather, put your faith in the Almighty God, that he will do a marvelous work through President Obama.
To all my black American friends, please realize now that you will be held to a higher regard. There are no more room for excuses; no more blaming the "white" man for why you fail to get ahead. Stop looking at what the world says about you and the limitations you believe that they have placed over you and realize that you were created by God and he knows you and calls you by your name. Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven! Learn what the Lord says about you for that is what's most important. Realize now that Obama is the President for all Americans, not just black people. Barack Obama should be commended for his achievements, but should not be heralded as a hero. He is not our savior and you should not set him as the benchmark for what all black people should be, because he is not perfect. Let the Lord define you and not man.
Our next steps should be praying for our leader, not focusing on the fact that he is a black man, and recognizing that we need to ask the Lord for patience. President Obama's job is going to be a long hard road and he needs our prayers. Change does not come over night. Pray for patience, pray for your nation, pray for the Obama family and pray that God's will be done.
Amen and Amen!
Wow, this is good. It's time to step up and pray! and work!
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