Tomorrow is Election Day, as most of you know. We have not addressed politics on our blog because it has not been a major topics of ours. But we wanted to give you some food for thought. Make sure you are voting as a Christian and not because of your race or sex . I have heard comments from many friends and strangers that say “don’t you want to see history made?” “Why would you not vote for a black man?” You see this is the problem:
1) No one should be voting for someone because of race and history. Dr. Martin Luther King said that, “he dreamed of the day when people would not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.” So urging people to “vote black” is a racist statement. We as Christians should know that we do not make decisions by our emotions because it is flesh. We base our decisions on truth, which is the Word of God.
1) No one should be voting for someone because of race and history. Dr. Martin Luther King said that, “he dreamed of the day when people would not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.” So urging people to “vote black” is a racist statement. We as Christians should know that we do not make decisions by our emotions because it is flesh. We base our decisions on truth, which is the Word of God.
2) Why do you care about making history? Isn’t our primary goal as Christians is to live our life holy and righteous for the Lord and to spread the gospel to everyone? We are supposed to be concern about God’s Kingdom and the Church. All these things will pass. We will not even remember this world when Christ comes for His people (us). So let us be concern about preparing ourselves for our Lord instead of focusing on having a black president of the United States of America.
3) My last problem is Christians putting aside their faith for so call “change”, not another 4 years of Bush or religion should not play a part. Let me tell you what actions could come about:
Homosexuals will be allowed to get married, abortion of all types of procedure will be legal, our core Christian beliefs and values will no longer be accepted by the world and soon we will become a Socialist Country! So regardless of who is the next president, let's make sure we pray for them and ask the Lord to give them guidance. Also I hope that we know not to depend on Men or Government to dictate how are lives are going to end up. Remember God provides and takes care of his people.
I have listed some listening and reading material from exministries website that will give you facts on both candidates. Please pray first before you decide whether to vote or not and ask the Lord to give you a conviction on who you are to vote for.
I have listed some listening and reading material from exministries website that will give you facts on both candidates. Please pray first before you decide whether to vote or not and ask the Lord to give you a conviction on who you are to vote for.
I do agree for the most part with your blog. I am disheartened when I hear people say they are voting for the Black candidate because you are right---it is a racist statement. If you flipped it around and said I'm voting for he White Man, Black people would be so offended. Truthfully I could care less about what color is in the White House. It's that oh so worldly media hype that has encouraged this ethnocentric mentality. We're struggling against racism but still want to make decisions based on racial bias. A little hypocritical if you ask me, but I refuse to start judging...not my place to do so...
History shows that Blacks were originally Republican...does that mean we should vote Republican?...no. The Democratic candidate happens to be Black...does that mean we should vote Democrat?...no...Is a Republican more Christian than a Democrat or vice versa?...absolutely not. The fact of the matter is nobody is completely Republican or completely Democrat. It is just another dumb label that nobody can ever hope to live up to. There is conflict even within these parties. Hence, the term "maverick". Ok lemme stop..lol...Our opinions change like seasons. The whole idea of parties is just another way to divide us as a nation, a nation that was founded as one nation under GOD, indivisible...right? What has happened is, as you said, we are getting caught up in our emotions and the media hype. Voting for the Black Man. Voting for the Woman...taking destiny into our own hands instead of seeking divine guidance as to who we should pick. We should go in that booth and say "God, you choose". Some have, some have not. Nat already knows who I am voting for. So I am not going to use this time to defend why I picked him. I just know that the ultimate ballot is cast by the one and only living God. So, I advise those who vote today to set aside your race, your gender, and all the media hype and to pray on it first. And even if your candidate does not win, continue to pray for the leadership of this country.
Be Blessed,
I have to disagree with this. McCain is not representative of Christian thought or morality. To place so much faith in a man, and not in Jesus, in my opinion is faulty thinking. Many Christians believe that 1) the government has the POWER to legislate Christianity and 2) that this would then draw people to godliness. As we have seen with the Jews in the Bible holiness is way more than actions. It is about a mindset. When will we as Christians step up to the plate as disciples of Christ and preach the message of the gospel, instead of hiding behind politicians who won't and never will have the will of God as their compass?? This is NOT a political issue. Voting for McCain will NOT usher in a season of godliness in America. The fervent prayer, opening of mouths to the lost, and living as lights of Christians will usher this in. Abortion and Gay Marriage - definitely important. We all should know by now that there will not be a constitutional amendment to make this illegal. Voting for McCain will not make that happen. Period. This is a STATE LEVEL decision - this is not, and never will be nationally mandated. We've been having the abortion debate for years now. I ask, what has changed with our abortion legislation since Bush came into office? Nothing! Nothing, people. So, to throw away a vote due to two issues that have actually worsened while Bush has been elected is crazy. Obama is not God. He will not save our people. But at least he will hold people up to the standards that we supposedly believed in when America got its start - freedom, and a right to live in equality and peace.
There is SO much more I would want to say, regarding the murder of innocent lives with the selfish, self-serving, greed-driven wars, the abysmal state of the economy, and the weakness of the ticket that lies in Sarah Palin, but this is already 9,000 words!
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