A couple of years ago, the Holy Spirit revealed to me a method to use when praying. I was reading the passage in the bible where Jesus was being tempted by the devil (Matthew 4: 1-11 and Luke 4: 1-13). In the scriptures, Jesus would always respond to the devil first by saying, “It is written”. This really stood out to me and the Holy Spirit touched my heart. I felt the Holy Spirit say to me, “Use this when you pray”. At first I thought that I wouldn’t be effective because I did not know all that was written. I thought that I would need to know the Bible like the back of my hand to pray in this manner.
About a month or so later, I was at a retreat and was asked to lay my hands on and pray for a woman. I was unsure at first. I thought to myself, “Me, how can I lay hands on this woman and pray for her?” I was scared and lost. I felt the Holy Spirit remind me of what He had revealed to me. I began to open my mouth and as I prayed I started to quote some scriptures and as I quoted I started each scripture with, “It is written”. As I prayed, this woman began to be filled with the Holy Spirit! I take no credit for what happened to her because it was not me, it was the Lord and he merely used me as a vessel so that He may be glorified.
I learned, in that prayer, that God would not betray His Words. What God says is true and it will not fail. So remember that God gave you power through His Words, use them! Use them to speak life over your situations and family. Use His Words to ask in His name and use His Words to rebuke the enemy! Get into the Word of God so that your prayers can be more powerful, effective and filled with God’s light!
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