When my sister and I moved out here to New York, people could not understand why we would do such a thing without having a job or security. Family members were concerned and praying for us. Some friends had faith in us and were saying, “You guys are going to make it.” Some were like “Ok….so do you have money saved up?” Others were like “Why are you moving now? New York is so expensive and there is a recession going on?” But my sister and I knew that God had called for us to move even tough we did not know why.
One of my close friend’s father said, “Wow, you guys are operating by faith. Let me be the first one to get your book!” Another friend of mine said that my sister and I are water walkers. When she said that, it amazed me. I thought to myself, “We are really walking on water.” We were not doing the natural thing like making sure we had something up here before we left. We were operating in the supernatural and knowing that God had made provisions for us. We have been living here for 7 months without a stable job and God has been providing for us every step of the way. We have experience a revelation from the Holy Spirit of what God is doing in our lives that it is unbelievable! We have been blessed to find a church home that is nurturing our faith and meeting people that God has placed in our lives to bless and to be blessed by. This whole move was to prepare us for the plan that He has for our lives.
Many of us do not that have the foresight to see what God is going to do in our lives. We only look at what is happening around us. That is fine but then you just get use to your situation and surroundings. There was a storm going on when Jesus was on the water. The boat was tossing and turning and all hope was lost. People on the boat might have been screaming, “We are going to die and there is no one to save us.” But Peter, who Jesus had given the foresight to trust in Him and obey His word, came down out the boat and walked towards Him. Could you have done that? Could you have gotten off a boat, even though, you thought that you were going to die and walk on the very thing that could take you down?
You see Peter was operating in the supernatural, while the others on the boat were doing what was natural to them, being afraid and operating in fear. 2Timothy 1:7 it reads, for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (NKJV) So when God tells you to step out by faith and walk on water (the impossible) towards him, know that there is power, love and a sound mind operating. Do not listen to the noise (the storm) or the confusion (the doubters) around you. Just start walking towards the Master and believe Him for a miracle. That is what true stormriders do!!!!

Let’s pray. Lord I pray that you will make us all water walkers. I pray that we continue to trust in you and not our own understanding. That we operate in supernatural faith and that you will give us the foresight of the plan you have for us, through the Holy Spirit. Lord I pray that we will be obedient to your will and trust that you will always deliver us from the storm. Heavenly Father please block out the noise and distractions that would cause us to operate in fear instead of operating in love, power and a sound mind. Remove confusion and give us understanding of what you are doing in our lives. We ask you for all of these things, in Jesus’ name Amen.
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